
Tim Bardouille, PhD
Director, Biosignal Lab
BIOTIC, IWK Health Centre and Nova Scotia Health Authority
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics & Atmospheric Science
Dalhousie University

Dr. Bardouille is a MEG physicist, staff scientist, and Director of the Biosignal Lab. He’s also a team member at the MEG Laboratory at the IWK Health Centre, and is an Adjunct Professor in the School of Physiotherapy, Department of Diagnostic Radiology, and the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at Dalhousie University.  Dr. Bardouille’s MEG research interests focus on developing mathematical and computation approaches to measuring synchrony and communication within the human brain, and the application of these approaches for the purposes of clinical diagnosis and the tracking of treatment efficacy (e.g., stroke rehabilitation)

Derek Kimmerly, PhD
Associate Professor, Kinesiology
Dalhousie University
School of Health and Human Performance

Research Topics: exercise physiology, kinesiology, blood vessel health, ageing and exercise, sympathetic nervous system and exercise.

Read more about Dr. Kimmerly here.

Heather Neyeldi, PhD
Assistant Professor, Kinesiology
School of Health and Human Performance

Dr. Neyedli’s research broadly investigates how humans select, plan and execute actions and more particularly how humans optimize their performance in terms of these actions in a variety of environments. She uses statistical decision making models to assess decision making through action selection in laboratory-based tasks as well as in applied settings. Her research also aims to investigate and improve the performance of human and technology systems with previous work investigating a range of applications from combat identification systems to prevent friendly-fire to brain-computer interfaces to provide neurofeedback for stroke patients.  

Read more about Dr. Neyedli and the Cognitive and Motor Performance (CaMP) Lab.

Dave Westwood, PhD
Dalhousie University
Department of Psychology, Psychiatry, Opthalmology, and Physiotherapy

David Westwood is Professor and Head of Kinesiology at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. He runs the ActionLab, which is dedicated to the scientific study of skilled human movements. David teaches undergraduate courses in Motor Control/Learning, Neural Bases of Sensory and Motor Function, and seminars in Vision and Action.

Gail Eskes, PhD
Associate Professor
Dalhousie University
Department of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, and Medicine (Neurology)

Dr. Gail Eskes is head of the Research Laboratory for Cognitive Health and Recovery at Dalhousie University. Her clinical and research expertise has focused on the assessment and treatment of cognitive disorders resulting from neurological disorders. Dr. Eskes is currently the lead investigator on studies examining the effects of attention disorders on functional recovery and cognitive rehabilitation following a stroke.

Sarah Kraeutner, PhD
Assistant Professor
University of British Columbia
Department of Psychology

Director, NIMBL Lab

The Neuroplasticity, Imagery, and Motor Behaviour Laboratory (NIMBL) is dedicated to research in the areas of motor learning and stroke-related neuroscience, encompassing both basic and applied neuroscience. Our overarching goal is to improve motor learning and relearning after brain injury. Basic work focuses on understanding brain function and plasticity associated with motor learning through non-physical forms of practice (imagined practice and action observation). Applied work focuses on informing, developing, and testing interventions using non-physical forms of practice, and tools to aid such practice, to promote recovery after stroke.

Diane MacKenzie, OT.Reg.(NS), PhD
Assistant Professor
Dalhousie University
School of Occupational Therapy

Research Topics: observation skills; neurorehabilitation; interprofessional education; professional behaviour

Read more about Dr. MacKenzie and her work here.

Aaron Newman, PhD
Associate Professor
Dalhousie University
Department of Psychology and Neuroscience, Psychiatry, Surgery, and Paediatrics

Dr. Aaron Newman is director of the Neurocognitive Imaging Lab, and is affiliated with the Nova Scotia Health Authority, the IWK Health Centre, and the National Research Council of Canada. He uses brain imaging to study how languages are learned and how they are affected by experiences such as stroke, deafness, and epilepsy.